Villages of Bandra

In the hustle and bustle of Mumbai commercial city, finding yourself in tranquil and serene locations is surely a miracle. The villages in Bandra are surely such places. Places where peace grows through its amazing people and its picturesque sceneries.

Today, at Photo Walks India, we will introduce you to one such amazing location where history, culture, and charming works of architecture have made a home. Come join us as we discover the beauty of these places like never before.

Chimbai and Ranwar are two beautiful neighborhoods situated in Bandra, Mumbai. These two villages will make you experience the old charm of Mumbai. Located in the heart of Bandra, Chibai is a small fishing village

It is well known for its busy fish markets, narrow streets, and vibrant auras. The colorful houses and the murals on the street amplify the beauty of this place. Explore these amazing locations, create memories, and capture the photos for an experience to last a lifetime.

Photo Walks India offers photographers an opportunity to capture the vibrant colors and the unique street art that decorate the walls of this village. Capture amazing candids of locals as they carry on with their lives in the bustling fish market.

The astonishing Bandra-worli sea link adds to the beauty of these breathtaking landscapes and sceneries. This place is definitely a heaven for street photographers out there.

Moving ahead with your journey to the Ranwar Village- The old bungalows lining the narrow roads of this pretty neighborhood is a sight worth capturing with your lenses. With each building telling its own tale, this place has become a photographer’s paradise. Ranwar offers you endless photographic opportunities, from landscapes to candids, you can capture them all!

These villages also have some of the oldest temples and churches with significant cultural importance. The intricate details, bungalows' colorful frontages, and friendly locals' warm hospitality will allow you to capture some of the most fantastic portraits and landscapes. The amazing personalities and lifestyles of the locals are a treat for inspiration-searching photographers.If you want to add a layer of richness to your photographic experience, come together with Photo Walks India and get a glimpse of these two hidden gems of India, the Chimbai and Ranwar villages - where beauty flows and culture resides.

Our Workshops are free of cost


No Cost Included

Who can attend

Photowalk is open to all above the Age of 18 Years

Anyone interested in Photography and would like to spend morning weekends clicking and walking around the city

Like to meet and interact with photography enthusiast and would love to join our photowalk community

If you do not have a camera we will provide you with a mirrorless camera that will be shared with other participants during the photowalk. Please carry a SD Card to so you can take your clicked photos back. We would require a photo ID with address proof to be submitted at the time of the photowalk.

Please note that photo walks are done on foot, so expect lots of walking.

Note : If you are sharing a camera please get your SD we do not give photos back since they are demo products and photos will be formatted once the photowalk is over


Can I bring my friend along with me for the Photowalk ?

Yes you can bring depending upon the slot availabilty. Please ask your friend or family member to register as well so we could know the count.

Is there any Fees for attending the Photowalk ?

All our photowalks across India are free of cost

I do not have a Camera can I participate in the Photowalk ?

Yes surely you can. We provide Fujifilm Mirrorless Cameras for our photowalks that will be shared among the participants. It would be great if you could carry a SD Card, so that you can take back your clicked photographs.

I would like to know more. How can we connect ?

For more details please fill the form in your contact us page.